Thursday, November 19, 2009

SCJP 1.6 Study Guide: Object Orientation Part 1

Object Orientation

To be a Sun Certified Java Programmer, object-oriented concepts in Java should be second nature to you. In this section we will talk about the OO features of Java like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. We will continue our discussion in implementing interfaces, return type declarations and static variables and methods. We will also discuss topics like overloading/overriding, casting and coupling and cohesion. This is the second section of this series if you want to read the first section go here.

Encapsulation and Inheritance

Monday, November 16, 2009

SCJP 1.6 Study Guide: Declarations and Access Controls Part 9

Declaring Arrays, Enums and Methods with Variable Argument Lists (var-args)

This is the last part for the Declarations and Access Controls section. If you missed most of the parts of this section please go to the table of contents for this study guide series.

Friday, November 13, 2009

SCJP 1.6 Study Guide: Declarations and Access Controls Part 8

Variable Declaration

When we need to manipulate values provided by the users of our application we can temporarily store them in variables. But to be able to assign values to variables you need to declare themfirst. And when you declare a variable you need to define what type of values that variable can hold and the variable name.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

SCJP 1.6 Study Guide: Declarations and Access Controls Part 7

Class Members and Non-Access Modifiers

The previous post discussed how to declare class members and how to modify them using access modifiers. Now that you know how visibility affects your code we will take a look at how non-access modifiers affect our code.

Monday, November 9, 2009

SCJP 1.6 Study Guide: Declarations and Access Controls Part 6

Declaring Class Members and Access Modifiers

By this time I hope you have grasped all the required concepts in declaring and modifying classes. If not go back and I suggest you try coding at the same time. Those concepts are necessary before reading the next posts regarding declaring class members.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

SCJP 1.6 Study Guide: Declarations and Access Controls Part 5

Declaring Interfaces

Part 3 and Part 4 of Declarations and Access Controls discussed how we can declare and modify classes. This part will turn our attention to declaring interfaces.

SCJP 1.6 Study Guide: Declarations and Access Controls Part 4

Final Class and Abstract Class

We'll pick it right off Part 3 of Declarations and Access Controls where we discussed how a regular class is declared in Java and the 2 access modifiers we can define for our classes. With this post, I hope you will learn more about final classes and abstract classes.

Friday, November 6, 2009

SCJP 1.6 Study Guide: Declarations and Access Controls Part 3

In Declarations and Access Controls Part 2, I discussed what it means to be a legal identifier and what is widely accepted in practice. Again, remember that an identifier does not need to conform to conventions to be legal. Take a quick look of the rules here.

Class Declaration and Access Modifiers

In creating a Java application you will mostly create classes and interfaces and how you write them will heavily affect your whole application. In this part I will discuss how we declare classes and how you can modify access to them.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

SCJP 1.6 Study Guide: Declarations and Access Controls Part 2

This is Part 2 of Declarations and Access Controls Section. Part 1 was just a refresher if you have been away from Java for long. I will discuss legal identifiers, keywords, Sun/Java naming conventions, and the JavaBean naming convention.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

SCJP 1.6 Study Guide: Declarations and Access Controls Part 1

  1. Declare classes and interfaces (Normal class, abstract class and interface)
  2. Use primitives, arrays, enums and legal identifiers
  3. Use static methods, JavaBeans naming and var-args
As I've said on the parent post this is a study guide for the SCJP 1.6 Exam so I assume you have at least some knowledge of Java already. But here's a refresher:

SCJP 6 Study Guide

Since I'm reviewing for the SCJP 1.6 Exam (Exam 310-065) I thought writing about the topics I study will help me remember them better. So this series of posts is basically based on what I'll read from the SCJP Sun® Certified Programmer for Java™ 6 Study Guide book by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates and things I pick up from other sources which I will mention accordingly.

This series can also be a reference for people starting to learn Java but I recommend checking Sun's Java Tutorials.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Slow MySQL Remote Connection

If your application is connecting very slow to a remote MySQL database you might want to try adding this line to the my.ini file of the server:


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Installing an Epson TM U220 using USB in Windows XP

Today I was tasked to go to one of our clients in Makati to install a receipt printer (Epson TM U220) and use a printer port-usb connector because the CPU there does not have any parallel port (I think almost all modern CPUs do not have parallel ports already, at least my laptop doesn't have one).

I was looking for the CD installer of the printer but could not find it. Fortunately, after 30 minutes of sniffing the web I was able to find one. So for those who need it go to and download APD304e.exe or just search for that executable file using Google. Just follow these steps to install the driver:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Blogging at Blogger

Hi all! I'm Bob Santos and this blog will be my personal repository of things I find worth writing. Topics may range from programming to gaming, from music to movies and from humor to politics.